Federico García Lorca’s
Los Títeres de Cachiporra | The Billy-Club Puppets
Poster art by Laura Hoffman
Our annual bicycle-powered, bilingual summer touring show is now TWO shows!
El Show el Arte es Medicina/ The Art is Medicine Show will run in repertory with Lorca's classic The Billy-Club Puppets/Los Titeres de Cachiporra; the tragi-comedy of Don Cristóbal and Miss Rosita: A Guignolesque farce in six scenes and an announcement. Tragicomedia de don Cristóbal y la señá Rosita: Farsa guiñolesca en seis cuadros y una advertencia.
Nuestro show anual bilingue de verano, mobilizado en bicicletas,
es ahora dos shows en uno!
Arte es Medicina presentará su repertorio con el clásico de García Lorca: "Los Titeres de Cachiporra, la tragicomedia de Don Cristobal y la señá Rosita." Farsa guiñolesca en seis escenas y una advertencia. Revisa pronto el horario de verano.
All performances are admission-FREE and suitable for all ages.
Todas las presentaciones serán gratis y son apropiadas para todas las hedades.
In English and Spanish | En Inglés e Español
About The Billy-Club Puppets
Poor Rosita--what's a girl to do? Cocoliche is her sweetheart, but her buffoon of a father insists on marrying her off to rich old Cristobita fat as a full moon, whose billy-club stinks of brains. But wait: here comes an old flame fresh off the boat, still pining for pretty Rosita. The air is thick with love, hate, songs of the Andalusian hills-and the audience's laughter!
Thank you to our generous sponsors for making these shows possible.
Gracias a nuestros patrocinadores por hacer este espectaculo posible.
National Endowment for the Arts
Jean F. Schulz
Whole Foods Market Coddingtown
Community Foundation Sonoma County
Margaret Spaulding
Codding Foundation
Greg Sarris
Julie Kiser
Willow Wood Market Cafe
Imaginists awarded National Endowment for the Arts Art Works grant in support of The Art is Medicine Show | El Show el Arte es Medicina!
The Art is Medicine Show featured in American Theatre Magazine
The Imaginists
461 Sebastopol Avenue | Santa Rosa | CA | 95401 | info@theimaginists.org | (707) 528-7554