Support the Imaginists by becoming a Bedrock Donor today!

Bedrock Donors sustain the work of the Imaginists by making small, monthly, recurring contributions.

Since 2017 our Bedrock Donors have made our work possible!


Support the Imaginists by becoming a Bedrock monthly donor.

If you sign up this March 2025 at $20 a month (for one year) you’ll receive your choice of an Imaginists’ T-shirt or tote! They have finally arrived!

Special Thanks To Our Bedrock Donors:

Alex Abille, Annabelle Anderson, Walter Atkin, Jake Ameral, Julian Billotte & Anna Wiziarde, Chuck Behlmer, Yoshie Bjornsson, Kate Black, Richard Burg, Jack Cabot, Danielle Cain, Julianne Cilley, Angela Cloud, Anne Convery, Quenby Dolgushkin, Maya Dunstan, Kate Eilertsen & Michael Muscardini, Brenda Fox, Yareny Fuentes, Maureen Given, Judy Helfand, Michael Hoch, Odin Halvorson, Susan Hegvold & Greg Dolgushkin, Cynthia Hodges, David Janda, Daniela Kingwill, Vicky Kumpfer, Gary Lindsay, Lisa Maldonado, Gabe Maxson, Suzanne Maxson, Leanne and Bill Mills, Marie Nelson, Ron and Kay Patterson, Christy Pichel, Amy Pinto, Debbie Ramirez, Jessica Rasmussen, Sabel Rose Regalia, Tessa Rissacher, Krista Rogerson & Bryan Almquist, Jessica Ross, Margaret & Dan Sands, Sebastopol Cookie Company, Cabe Silverhame & Sonja Roberts, Rhan & Juliet Small-Ernst, Peggy Songster & Terry Oden, Michelle Torres, Coleen Scott Trivett, Liz and Mario Uribe, Margret Valdes, Ani Weaver, Kitty and Brian Wells, Allegra Wilson, Josh Windmiller, Brian & Lauren Wise

*Please note: We aim to keep this list as up to date as possible; we love our Bedrockers! If your name should be here but isn’t, please reach out to us right away!

The Imaginists
461 Sebastopol Avenue  |  Santa Rosa  |  CA  |  95401  |  |  (707) 528-7554

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